Source code for amulet.api.history_manager

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Generator, Optional
import time
import os
from .chunk import Chunk

    from .world import ChunkCache

_ChunkLocation = Tuple[int, int, int]  # dimension, cx, cz

_ChunkRecord = Union[str, None]  # path to serialised file  # chunk has been deleted

_ChunkStorage = List[_ChunkRecord]  # change history of the chunk

[docs]class ChunkHistoryManager: """ Class to manage changes and deletions of chunks """ def __init__(self, temp_dir): self.temp_dir: str = temp_dir self._chunk_index: Dict[ _ChunkLocation, int ] = {} # the index of the current chunk in self._chunk_history self._chunk_history: Dict[_ChunkLocation, _ChunkStorage] = {} self._snapshots: List[List[_ChunkLocation]] = [] self._last_snapshot_time = 0.0 self._snapshot_index = -1 self._last_save_snapshot = -1 # the snapshot that was saved or the save branches off from self._branch_save_count = 0 # if the user saves, undoes and does a new operation a save branch will be lost # This is the number of changes on that branch def __contains__(self, item: _ChunkLocation): return item in self._chunk_history @property def undo_count(self) -> int: return self._snapshot_index + 1 @property def redo_count(self) -> int: return len(self._snapshots) - (self._snapshot_index + 1) @property def unsaved_changes(self) -> int: """The number of changes that have been made since the last save""" return abs(self._snapshot_index - self._last_save_snapshot) + self._branch_save_count
[docs] def mark_saved(self): """Let the history manager know that the world has been saved""" self._last_save_snapshot = self._snapshot_index self._branch_save_count = 0
def items(self, get_all=False) -> Generator[Tuple[_ChunkLocation, Optional[Chunk]], None, None]: for chunk_location, index in self._chunk_index.items(): if index or get_all: yield chunk_location, self.get_current(*chunk_location)
[docs] def add_original_chunk(self, chunk: Chunk, dimension: int): """Adds the given chunk to the chunk history""" # If the chunk does not exist in the chunk history then add it # This code is only called when loading a chunk from the database. # If this code is called and the chunk history already exists then the # chunk must have been unloaded from the World class and reloaded # only chunks that are unchanged or have been saved can be unloaded so # the latest chunk here should be the same as the one on disk if (dimension,, not in self._chunk_history: self._chunk_index[(dimension,,] = 0 self._chunk_history[(dimension,,] = [ self._serialise_chunk(chunk, dimension, 0) ]
[docs] def create_undo_point(self, chunk_cache: "ChunkCache"): """Find all the chunks which have changed since the last snapshot, serialise them and store the path to the file (or None if it has been deleted)""" snapshot = [] for chunk_location, chunk in list(chunk_cache.items()): assert chunk is None or isinstance( chunk, Chunk ), "Chunk must be None or a Chunk instance" if chunk is None or ( chunk.changed and chunk.changed_time > self._last_snapshot_time ): # if the chunk has been changed since the last shapshot add it to the new snapshot if chunk_location not in self._chunk_history: # the chunk was added manually so the previous state was the chunk not existing self._chunk_index[chunk_location] = 0 self._chunk_history[chunk_location] = [None] chunk_index = self._chunk_index[chunk_location] chunk_storage = self._chunk_history[chunk_location] if chunk is None: # if the chunk has been deleted and the last save state was not also deleted update if chunk_storage[chunk_index] is not None: self._chunk_index[chunk_location] += 1 del chunk_storage[chunk_index + 1:] chunk_storage.append(None) snapshot.append(chunk_location) else: # updated the changed chunk self._chunk_index[chunk_location] += 1 del chunk_storage[chunk_index + 1 :] chunk_storage.append( self._serialise_chunk( chunk, chunk_location[0], self._chunk_index[chunk_location] ) ) snapshot.append(chunk_location) if snapshot: # if there is data in the snapshot invalidate all newer snapshots and add to the database if self._last_save_snapshot > self._snapshot_index: self._branch_save_count += self._last_save_snapshot - self._snapshot_index self._last_save_snapshot = self._snapshot_index self._snapshot_index += 1 del self._snapshots[self._snapshot_index:] self._snapshots.append(snapshot) self._last_snapshot_time = time.time()
def _serialise_chunk( self, chunk: Union[Chunk, None], dimension: int, change_no: int ) -> _ChunkRecord: """Serialise the chunk and write it to a file""" if chunk is None: return None os.makedirs(self.temp_dir, exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join( self.temp_dir, f"chunk.{dimension}.{}.{}.{change_no}.pickle.gz", ) chunk.pickle(path) return path def _unserialise_chunk( self, dimension: int, cx: int, cz: int, change_no: int ) -> Union[Chunk, None]: """Load the next save state for a given chunk in a given direction""" chunk_location = (dimension, cx, cz) chunk_index = self._chunk_index[chunk_location] = ( self._chunk_index[chunk_location] + change_no ) chunk_storage = self._chunk_history[chunk_location] assert 0 <= chunk_index < len(chunk_storage), "Chunk index out of bounds" chunk = chunk_storage[chunk_index] if chunk is not None: chunk = Chunk.unpickle(chunk) return chunk
[docs] def undo(self, chunk_cache: "ChunkCache"): """Decrements the internal change index and un-serialises the last save state for each chunk changed""" if self._snapshot_index >= 0: snapshot = self._snapshots[self._snapshot_index] for chunk_location in snapshot: chunk = self._unserialise_chunk(*chunk_location, -1) chunk_cache[chunk_location] = chunk self._snapshot_index -= 1
[docs] def redo(self, chunk_cache: "ChunkCache"): """Re-increments the internal change index and un-serialises the chunks from the next newest change""" if self._snapshot_index <= len(self._snapshots) - 2: snapshot = self._snapshots[self._snapshot_index + 1] for chunk_location in snapshot: chunk = self._unserialise_chunk(*chunk_location, 1) chunk_cache[chunk_location] = chunk self._snapshot_index += 1
def get_current(self, dimension: int, cx: int, cz: int): return self._unserialise_chunk(dimension, cx, cz, 0)