Source code for amulet.api.block

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from sys import getsizeof
import re
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, Union, overload, Generator
import amulet_nbt

from .errors import InvalidBlockException
from ..utils import Int

def blockstate_to_block(blockstate: str) -> "Block":
    namespace, base_name, properties = Block.parse_blockstate_string(blockstate)
    return Block(namespace=namespace, base_name=base_name, properties=properties)

[docs]class Block: """ Class to handle data about various blockstates and allow for extra blocks to be created and interacted with. .. important:: Creating version specific block objects via the `Block()` constructor instead of using :meth:`` is supported but not encouraged. To avoid possible caveats of doing this, make sure to either only instantiate blocks with Amulet blockstate data or use :meth:`` instead Here's a few examples on how create a Block object with extra blocks: Creating a new Block object with the base of ``stone`` and has an extra block of ``water[level=1]``: >>> stone = blockstate_to_block("minecraft:stone") >>> water_level_1 = blockstate_to_block("minecraft:water[level=1]") >>> stone_with_extra_block = stone + water_level_1 >>> repr(stone_with_extra_block) 'Block(minecraft:stone, minecraft:water[level=1])' Creating a new Block object using the namespace and base_name: >>> granite = Block(namespace="minecraft", base_name="granite") Creating a new Block object with another layer of extra blocks: >>> stone_water_granite = stone_with_extra_block + granite # Doesn't modify any of the other objects >>> repr(stone_water_granite) 'Block(minecraft:stone, minecraft:water[level=1], minecraft:granite)' Creating a new Block object by removing an extra block from all layers: *Note: This removes all instances of the Block object from extra blocks* >>> stone_granite = stone_water_granite - water_level_1 # Doesn't modify any of the other objects either >>> repr(stone_granite) 'Block(minecraft:stone, minecraft:granite)' Creating a new Block object by removing a specific layer: >>> oak_log_axis_x = blockstate_to_block("minecraft:oak_log[axis=x]") >>> stone_water_granite_water_oak_log = stone_water_granite + water_level_1 + oak_log_axis_x >>> repr(stone_water_granite_water_oak_log) 'Block(minecraft:stone, minecraft:water[level=1], minecraft:granite, minecraft:water[level=1], minecraft:oak_log[axis=x])' >>> stone_granite_water_oak_log = stone_water_granite_water_oak_log.remove_layer(0) >>> repr(stone_granite_water_oak_log) 'Block(minecraft:stone, minecraft:granite, minecraft:water[level=1], minecraft:oak_log[axis=x])' """ __slots__ = ( "_namespaced_name", "_namespace", "_base_name", "_properties", "_extra_blocks", "_blockstate", ) # Reduces memory footprint blockstate_regex = re.compile( r"(?:(?P<namespace>[a-z0-9_.-]+):)?(?P<base_name>[a-z0-9/._-]+)(?:\[(?P<property_name>[a-z0-9_]+)=(?P<property_value>[a-z0-9_\"]+)(?P<properties>.*)\])?" ) # blockstate_regex = re.compile( # r"(?:(?P<namespace>[a-z0-9_.-]+):)?(?P<base_name>[a-z0-9/._-]+)(?:\[(?P<property_name>[a-z0-9_]+)=(?P<property_value>[a-z0-9_]+)(?P<properties>.*)\])?" # ) parameters_regex = re.compile(r"(?:,(?P<name>[a-z0-9_]+)=(?P<value>[a-z0-9_\"]+))") # parameters_regex = re.compile(r"(?:,(?P<name>[a-z0-9_]+)=(?P<value>[a-z0-9_]+))")
[docs] def __init__( self, namespace: str, base_name: str, properties: Dict[str, amulet_nbt.BaseValueType] = None, extra_blocks: Union[Block, Iterable[Block]] = None, ): self._blockstate = None self._namespaced_name = None assert (isinstance(namespace, str) or namespace is None) and isinstance( base_name, str ), f"namespace and base_name must be strings {namespace} {base_name}" self._namespace = namespace self._base_name = base_name if properties is None: properties = {} assert isinstance(properties, dict) and all( isinstance(val, amulet_nbt.BaseValueType) for val in properties.values() ), properties self._properties = properties self._extra_blocks = () if extra_blocks: if isinstance(extra_blocks, Block): extra_blocks = [extra_blocks] self._extra_blocks = tuple(extra_blocks) self._gen_blockstate()
@property def namespaced_name(self) -> str: """ The namespace:base_name of the blockstate represented by the Block object (IE: `minecraft:stone`) :return: The namespace:base_name of the blockstate """ return self._namespaced_name @property def namespace(self) -> str: """ The namespace of the blockstate represented by the Block object (IE: `minecraft`) :return: The namespace of the blockstate """ return self._namespace @property def base_name(self) -> str: """ The base name of the blockstate represented by the Block object (IE: `stone`, `dirt`) :return: The base name of the blockstate """ return self._base_name @property def properties(self) -> Dict[str, amulet_nbt.BaseValueType]: """ The mapping of properties of the blockstate represented by the Block object (IE: `{"level": "1"}`) :return: A dictionary of the properties of the blockstate """ return copy.deepcopy(self._properties) @property def blockstate(self) -> str: """ The full blockstate string of the blockstate represented by the Block object (IE: `minecraft:stone`, `minecraft:oak_log[axis=x]`) :return: The blockstate string """ return self._blockstate @property def base_block(self) -> Block: """ Returns the block without any extra blocks :return: A Block object """ if len(self.extra_blocks) == 0: return self else: return Block( namespace=self.namespace, base_name=self.base_name,, ) @property def extra_blocks(self) -> Union[Tuple, Tuple[Block]]: """ Returns a tuple of the extra blocks contained in the Block instance :return: A tuple of Block objects """ return self._extra_blocks def _gen_blockstate(self): self._namespaced_name = self._blockstate = f"{self.namespace}:{self.base_name}" if props = [ f"{key}={value.to_snbt()}" for key, value in sorted( ] self._blockstate += f"[{','.join(props)}]" if self.extra_blocks: self._blockstate += ( f"{{{' , '.join(block.blockstate for block in self.extra_blocks)}}}" ) @staticmethod def parse_blockstate_string( blockstate: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, amulet_nbt.BaseValueType]]: match = Block.blockstate_regex.match(blockstate) namespace ="namespace") or "minecraft" base_name ="base_name") if"property_name") is not None: properties = {"property_name"):"property_value")} else: properties = {} properties_string ="properties") if properties_string is not None: properties_match = Block.parameters_regex.finditer(properties_string) for match in properties_match: properties["name")] ="value") return ( namespace, base_name, {k: amulet_nbt.from_snbt(v) for k, v in sorted(properties.items())}, )
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ :return: The base blockstate string of the Block object """ return self.blockstate
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ :return: The base blockstate string of the Block object along with the blockstate strings of included extra blocks """ return f"Block({', '.join([str(b) for b in (self, *self.extra_blocks)])})"
def __len__(self): return len(self._extra_blocks) + 1 def _compare_extra_blocks(self, other: Block) -> bool: if len(self.extra_blocks) != len(other.extra_blocks): return False if len(self.extra_blocks) == 0: return True for our_extra_block, their_extra_block in zip( self.extra_blocks, other.extra_blocks ): if our_extra_block != their_extra_block: return False return True
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: Block) -> bool: """ Checks the equality of this Block object to another Block object :param other: The Block object to check against :return: True if the Blocks objects are equal, False otherwise """ if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False return self.blockstate == other.blockstate and self._compare_extra_blocks(other)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other: Block) -> bool: """ Allows blocks to be sorted so numpy.unique can be used on them """ if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False return self.blockstate > other.blockstate
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Hashes the Block object :return: A hash of the Block object """ current_hash = hash(self.blockstate) if self.extra_blocks: current_hash = current_hash + hash(self.extra_blocks) return current_hash
[docs] def __add__(self, other: Block) -> Block: """ Allows for other Block objects to be added to this Block object's ``extra_blocks`` :param other: The Block object to add to the end of this Block object's `extra_blocks` :return: A new Block object with the same data but with an additional Block at the end of ``extra_blocks`` """ if not isinstance(other, Block): return NotImplemented if ( len(other.extra_blocks) == 0 ): # Reduces the amount of extra objects/references created other_cpy = other else: other_cpy = Block( namespace=other.namespace, base_name=other.base_name,, ) other_extras = [] for eb in other.extra_blocks: if ( len(eb.extra_blocks) == 0 ): # Reduces the amount of extra objects/references created other_extras.append(eb) else: other_extras.append( Block( namespace=eb.namespace, base_name=eb.base_name,, ) ) return Block( namespace=self.namespace, base_name=self.base_name,, extra_blocks=[*self.extra_blocks, other_cpy, *other_extras], )
[docs] def __sub__(self, other: Block) -> Block: """ Allows for other Block objects to be subtracted from this Block object's ``extra_blocks`` :param other: The Block object to subtract from this Block objects' ``extra_blocks`` :return: A new Block object without any instances of the subtracted block in ``extra_blocks`` """ if not isinstance(other, Block): return NotImplemented if ( len(other.extra_blocks) == 0 ): # Reduces the amount of extra objects/references created other_cpy = other else: other_cpy = Block( namespace=other.namespace, base_name=other.base_name,, ) other_extras = [] for eb in other.extra_blocks: if len(eb.extra_blocks) == 0: other_extras.append(eb) else: other_extras.append( Block( namespace=eb.namespace, base_name=eb.base_name,, ) ) # Sets are unordered, so a regular set subtraction doesn't always return the order we want (it sometimes will!) # So we loop through all of our extra blocks and only append those to the new_extras list if they aren't in # extra_blocks_to_remove new_extras = [] extra_blocks_to_remove = (other_cpy, *other_extras) for eb in self.extra_blocks: if eb not in extra_blocks_to_remove: new_extras.append(eb) return Block( namespace=self.namespace, base_name=self.base_name,, extra_blocks=new_extras, )
[docs] def remove_layer(self, layer: int) -> Block: """ Removes the Block object from the specified layer and returns the resulting new Block object :param layer: The layer of extra block to remove :return: A new instance of Block with the same data but with the extra block at specified layer removed :raises `InvalidBlockException`: Raised when you remove the base block from a Block with no other extra blocks """ if layer == 0 and len(self.extra_blocks) > 0: new_base = self._extra_blocks[0] return Block( namespace=new_base.namespace, base_name=new_base.base_name,, extra_blocks=[*self._extra_blocks[1:]], ) elif layer > len(self.extra_blocks): raise InvalidBlockException("You cannot remove a non-existant layer") elif layer == 0: raise InvalidBlockException( "Removing the base block with no extra blocks is not supported" ) return Block( namespace=self.namespace, base_name=self.base_name,, extra_blocks=[*self.extra_blocks[: layer - 1], *self.extra_blocks[layer:]], )
[docs] def __sizeof__(self): size = ( getsizeof(self.namespace) + getsizeof(self.base_name) + getsizeof( + getsizeof(self.blockstate) ) for eb in self.extra_blocks: size += getsizeof(eb) return size
[docs]class BlockManager: """ Class to handle the mappings between Block objects and their index-based internal IDs """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Creates a new BlockManager object """ self._index_to_block: List[Block] = [] self._block_to_index_map: Dict[Block, int] = {}
def __len__(self): return len(self._index_to_block) def __contains__(self, item: Block) -> bool: return item in self._block_to_index_map def blocks(self) -> Tuple[Block]: return tuple(self._index_to_block) def items(self) -> Generator[Tuple[int, Block]]: for index, block in enumerate(self._index_to_block): yield index, block @overload def __getitem__(self, item: Block) -> int: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, item: Int) -> Block: ...
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ If a Block object is passed to this function, it'll return the internal ID/index of the blockstate. If an int is given, this method will return the Block object at that specified index. :param item: The Block object or int to get the mapping data of :return: An int if a Block object was supplied, a Block object if an int was supplied """ try: if isinstance(item, Block): return self._block_to_index_map[item] return self._index_to_block[item] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise KeyError( f"There is no {item} in the BlockManager. " f"You might want to use the `add_block` function for your blocks before accessing them." )
[docs] def get_add_block(self, block: Block) -> int: """ Adds a Block object to the internal Block object/ID mappings. If the Block already exists in the mappings, then the existing ID is returned :param block: The Block to add to the manager :return: The internal ID of the Block """ if block in self._block_to_index_map: return self._block_to_index_map[block] self._block_to_index_map[block] = i = len(self._block_to_index_map) self._index_to_block.append(block) return i